Parish WhatsApp Group
What is it?
The Parish Council have started a WhatsApp group intended to be used by Parish residents (Markham Moor, West Drayton, Eaton, Gamston and Rockley ONLY) to alert the community to urgent crime issues such as;
- Crimes in Progress
- Suspicious behaviour
- Cry for help
- Suspicious vehicles
- To pass on reports from elsewhere
Important – You must still report serious crime to the police and get a crime number – you should then share this number with the group
What is it not?
The group is not for moaning, chatting, gossip, reporting neighbours or parking issues!
It must be kept clear for important alerts.
The Parish Council will remove any group member who misuses the system.
What about my privacy?
WhatsApp requires you to download the app to your mobile phone. Your telephone number will be visible to all other members however your name or any other information will only be visible to people who already have you in their phone contacts.
How do I join?
First download the WhatsApp application from your App Store onto your phone. Please contact [email protected] who will send you the link.